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31 January 2011

Monday Musings: "Weathergasms", Walt Disney World, and The Joy of Finding The Perfect Pillow.

At work we have been using the term "weathergasm" to describe the local, and now national, meteorologists reaction to even the slightest chance of severe weather.  The most recent occurrence started yesterday with the announcement of “....... A HISTORIC BLIZZARD CAPABLE OF  PARALYZING PARTS OF SOUTHEAST WISCONSIN...WHITEOUT CONDITIONS AND DRIFTS OF 5 TO 10 FEET POSSIBLE." (taken from Bill's Blog, WOODTV8).  Last time there was this much excitement we got very little snow.  I seems to have gotten worse this year with a "winter weather advisory" every time we even get a chance of snow, with snippets telling us to be "cautious while driving".  Well DUH!  It is winter and it is Michigan.  I found that TV8 seems to be the worst local news, in this regards.  I won't even watch them anymore because of their over sensationalizing of every news item, not just the weather.  I just want the media to be straight forward and give me the facts.  Enough with the hype!.

On another note,  only 11 days until we are in sunny Florida.  I can't wait.  We re-watched our Disney planning video this weekend..  I know this is really cheesy but I get tears in my eyes thinking about what Renee's reaction is going to be when she first sees Walt Disney World.  When she was 3-years-old, I took her to see the Wiggles in concert.  I cried when they came out on stage.  Not because of seeing them, but because of the pure joy and excitement on Renee's face.  Seeing her so elated made me cry.  I am sure I will bawl like a baby when we see Cinderella's Castle. 

Please disregard the mess!!  This room is still under construction.  Imagine cream colored cork flooring and natural pine trim.

DH and I went shopping at the mall on Saturday.  This is something we rarely do.  I am happy to report that I found the perfect throw pillows for the addition!   I am so excited by this!

I also found this rug last week at Pier 1.  I hope to pick the rug up this week. 

Happy Monday!

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