As I mentioned in a previous post, we received Kohlrabi in the CSA last week. Lucky for me, some of my coworkers didn't want theirs so I had a ton of greens. I couldn't find a lot of recipes so I decided to make up my own!.

The Kohlrabi greens are very pretty with deep green leaves and purple veins. To prep wash and cut out the hard stems. This is easy if you hold the leave in half on the stem and then just slice down the edge of the stem. Then coarsely chopped your greens. I ended up with about 8 cups but you can use less.
Braised Chicken with Kohlrabi Greens and Zucchini Mock Spaghetti
4-8 cups of coarsely chopped kohlrabi greens, kale, or spinach or combination of them
1 medium sweet onion chopped
3 minced cloves of garlic
4 tbsp of EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
1-2 tbsp of basil ( I use basil paste)
1 28oz can of crushed tomatoes
4 oz of mushrooms coarsely chopped (optional)
1 medium to large zucchini, julienned
2 boneless skinless chicken breasts
heat oil over medium-low flame in a large chicken fryer skillet or large heavy stock pot ( like a Le Crueset). Had onion and saute until translucent. Add greens and garlic and saute for about 15 min. Add mushrooms and saute for about 5 more mins. Add tomatoes and basil and heat until simmering. And chicken breasts and simmer for approximately 20 minutes to 1/2 hour. Check with thermometer the internal temp of chicken is 160 degrees.

This is what the zucchini will look like

In a bowl or on a plate, place zucchini noodles. You can microwave them for a min if you want to warm them up but usually the heat from the sauce is enough. I also cut up the chicken after it was done and add back to the sauce but you could just ladle the sauce over the noodles and place a chicken breast on top.