My first car. |
Today my 15-year-old starts driver's training! Last month, I sold off the last her Barbies and Little Pet Shops. I don't know where the time went. I am sure a lot of parents feel this way. I think it is hard for me, because she is my only one. Only a few short years and she will be off to college and starting a life of her own. It makes me sad for me and excited for her at the same time. Some of my fondest high school memories are of driving around with my friends. We would take road trips to Grand Haven to go to the beach. We would meet up at Hudley's Pizza and see what was going on for the night. Sometimes, we would just cruise. (Do teens even do that still?) We had freedom! I think one of the hardest things for me is going to be letting her have the freedom I did. But, I am trying really hard not to be a helicopter mom. I guess this is the first stage in the letting go process. I have at least a full year until she can get her license. So, I still have a little time before I need to start letting her go, letting grow, giving her freedom. Are your teens driving yet? Any tips?